Hello, human!

My name is Bea Policarpio, I am a Filipina artist who also writes. Welcome to my newsletter, #StudioNotes!

Why #StudioNotes exists

In 2020, my new year’s resolution was to serve others in a tangible way, not only through my art, but also with my words. In March, Metro Manila was put on total lockdown due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. I struggled to make sense of the uncertainty that lay ahead all of us but more importantly, I asked myself how I could be a gift of time—rather than a waste of time—during this strange season. This sense of purpose is what compelled me to start writing about this creative journey, combining wisdom that I had learned from others with lessons I needed to remind myself of. I figured—what are we all here for if not to inspire one another?

How will you be a gift of time?

This passion project was born out of three lifelong goals:

  1. I want to connect in a deeper way with the online community.

  2. I want to serve more concretely through my creative pursuits and share with others what I’ve learned along this journey.

  3. I love writing and one day hope to publish a book. 

Each week I will discuss a broad theme related to creative living. The stories I tell will sometimes draw from my personal experience and art practice, sometimes it will be about inspiring materials I’ve discovered along the way.

Thank you for being a part of this community!

xx B

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The artist, elsewhere:


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An email publication about creative resilience. Receive thoughtful letters from a Filipina artist every weekend.


Letters along this creative journey, from my heart to yours